Worst Christmas Gifts

Worst Christmas Gifts

Kameron Lamprecht and Shea Cox

We’ve all had that moment where we opened a gift and your heart sinks because its a silly or dumb gift. Some of the worst Christmas gifts include socks, underwear, deodorant, chap stick, and things of that sort. Christmas is  a day where kids look forward to opening toys or other fun things. When they open up socks or things of that sort, they instantly become disappointed. Don’t gift someone a Christmas sweater that they wont be able to wear until next year. CDs and other disks aren’t needed because everyone has phones that they can use for those things. Things off info commercials aren’t needed because 9 times out of 10 they break easy or don’t look like the product advertised. Don’t get cleaning supplies or other smell good stuff because it might make a person insecure about their house stinking or them personally stinking. Next time you’re thinking about buying a Christmas present think about what toy they might like or something they will enjoy using.