To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate: What is the Difference?

Teela Robertson

When I got my Covid-19 vaccination shot, I thought that was it for me. I figured that since I got the shot, I would be fine and wouldn’t get the virus as long as I didn’t do anything to directly put me in contact with it. However, I was sorely mistaken. After just being around someone (and not that close around either) who got covid, I also got covid. I could maybe understand if I got it and had just very mild symptoms, but what I can not understand is feeling as sick and miserable as I did even with the shot. I was under the impression that the vaccine would either prevent or lower the effects of Covid 19. However, it didn’t seem to do either of those!
When I went to the doctor, they took one look at me and told me to wait in the car until they could test whether I did actually have covid. Surprise, surprise, I had covid. They said I had to be quarantined and basically isolated for five days. If I wasn’t being miserably sick, I was sleeping the day away. It was awful, it didn’t seem that the vaccine helped me in any way. If the government is trying to push for mandatory vaccinations, then I want to ask them “What good would getting the vaccine do?”. There are so many new variants of covid-19 that the one vaccine that the government is pushing won’t be very effective against them all. For example, there’s the new strand of covid called omicron that is on the rise. It is affecting people left and right, whether they got the vaccine or not. However, since this is a new variant, the current vaccine is not effective against it. With the new variants taking over, what’s the old vaccine doing to stop them?
I’m not the only person who feels this way. I’ve talked to many people who, like me, have had the vaccine yet still got covid. Almost all of them said they had severe symptoms and didn’t feel that the vaccine helped them at all. I’ve seen posts, articles, stories, and reviews from people who have gotten the vaccine and still got a severe case of covid-19. If it was only a few people who still got covid after getting vaccinated then I wouldn’t think too much about it. However, this many people experiencing the same thing raises questions about the usefulness of the vaccine. Will mandating the vaccine help at all? How is the vaccine helpful to people? Does it work against all the new variants or just the original version?
My uncle had covid but didn’t get the vaccine. His symptoms were less severe than mine were. Which makes me question; does the severity of covid-19 vary depending on the person? Maybe the vaccine has nothing to do with how severe your case will be. Perhaps when it was tested the people who got covid after just weren’t as affected by covid because of their body and immune system. I’m not in any way a scientist or doctor, so this is just a theory I have. However the more I think about it, the more it makes sense to me. My uncle seldom gets sick, he has always been a very healthy person. I, on the other hand, tend to get sick a lot and am not very healthy. We both got covid, but he was less affected by the virus than I was.
Until there is a new vaccine made that will help against all the variants of covid, I will not believe that a vaccine helps with the virus. With so many new variants it’s futile to think the one vaccine created way before the other variants came forth will ward off the virus. Sure there are boosters but they are just that, boosters. To amplify the effects of the vaccine, not to target other variants. You can believe what you want about the vaccine; as for me, I think it’s a waste of time.