how dc has impacted me
March 9, 2022
I’m Mary Norton, a senior at Dyer County High. I am a football cheerleader, I sing as a part of the worship group at my church, and I am an employee of two years at Chick-fil-a. But, when I am not doing those things, I am at school! I have only been at DCHS for three years but it has seemed like forever. I mean that in a positive way, of course. My freshman year I transferred to Dyersburg High School, only since my sister attended there as a senior. The environment was completely different from what I was used to. I definitely stuck out. But I did learn a thing or two from there as well. I learned that Dyer County was where I belong. Just from these past three years, I have learned so much, from how to truly work as a team to how to have eyes for everyone around me. If there was one word to describe myself personally after these three years at Dyer County I would have to say, growth. The down to earth teachers have had a positive impact on my social skills and myself as a whole. Another thing that has really helped me is the relaxed environment Dyer County provides that makes everyone feel comfortable as soon as they enter. My goal has always been to impact those around me whether it be simply making them smile or becoming a role model. That is why I’m very proud to say that this year I was voted “Most Humorous,” by my senior class. I am also proud to have been a Choctaw and will take what Dyer County has taught me to the next place my future holds. Go choctaws!