A-Z Advice for Life- Connor Edwards


Connor Edwards, Mrs. Martinez's Creative Writing class

A. Always believe in yourself.

B. Be the person you want to be.

C. Care about the ones who care about you.

D. Don’t give up your dreams.

E. Everyone makes mistakes.

F. Fake friends will tear you down.

G. Good friends will lift you up.

H. Hold on to those closest to you.

I. Ignoring your problems will not help.

J. Just do it.

K. Keep your head up.

L. Listen to those who have your best interest at heart.

M. Make friends based on how they help and make you feel.

N. No one holds you back more than yourself.

O. Own the moment you’re in.

P. Please is the magic word.

Q. Quests are journeys with a purpose, find yours.

R. Rest and sustenance are always important.

S. Spread good vibes!!!

T. Teachers aren’t your enemy.

U. Understand your worth.

V. Violence isn’t the way to cope.

W. When feeling down, don’t be afraid to speak up.

X. Xynagouge, find one and utilize their help.

Y. You’re worth the love you receive.

Z. Zero effort gets zero reward.