A-Z Advice for Life- Mariah Hays


Mariah Hays, Mrs. Martinez's Creative Writing class

A- analyze people before talking to them 

B- be yourself 

C- concentrate on school 

D- don’t give up easily 

E- enjoy your teenage years day by day 

F- five friends isn’t always good 

G- give everything your hardest 

H- hakuna matata no worries 

I- in class never be rude 

J- join clubs when you can 

K- know when to stop talking to people who aren’t good for you 

L- love the fun moments you have 

M- move on when things happen that cause drama 

N- never not do your homework 

O- on Fridays be prepared for a traffic jam  

P- people will be mean sometimes

Q-  quit something if you want not when others want you to. 

R- rest when you can 

S- sleep 10 hours a night you will need it 

T- trust those you know won’t hurt you 

U- unwind from time to time 

V- volunteer and get involved with school activities

W- when things get tuff never give up 

X- exams are hard if you don’t study 

Y- you need to eat lunch 

Z- zen is key to success