A-Z Advice for Life – Lana Rogers
December 7, 2022
A: Always ask for help when needed
B: Be kind
C: Choose friends wisely
D: Don’t forget your worth
E: Excellent
F: Friends
G: Go out and have fun
H: Homework is important
I: Its okay not to be okay
J:Just take a break
K: Kill people with kindness
L: Love yourself
M:Most people only care about themselves
N:Never trust anyone
O: Open up to others
P: People are cruel
Q: Queen energy
R: Remember you are your best version of yourself
S: Stop thinking about what everyone else is doing
T: Think positively
U: Use what you have to make something beautiful
V: Very understanding people are at highschool
W: wild and wise
Y: You are the best
Z: Zoom through the hallways