Tesla Semi-Truck
December 13, 2022
Last week, Tesla unveiled their numbers for the semi-truck. This was unveiled in 2017, but just last week we finally got the specs for it. This truck is going to be 83% cheaper to drive than a standard diesel truck. It can get 500 miles on a single charge, if you get the more expensive model. The most expensive model starts at $180,000, while the cheaper 300-mile-range truck cost only $150,000. This truck is different from others, having a centered driver’s seat with two massive 14-inch touchscreens. These give live feed to the sides of the truck, making it safer for other drivers on the road, too. While it may not matter to the average truck driver, the semi can go 0-60 in 20 seconds while carrying 82,000 pounds. This gives incredible power and speed, making truck driving faster and more efficient. Since truck drivers have to have a 30 minute break from driving after 8 hours, Tesla made it take 8 hours of driving for the battery to be filled up. So while the driver is taking their break, they can charge the truck, causing the battery to go from 0-70% in those 30 minutes. Tesla has already started to send them out to companies such as PepsiCo and UPS. This new intro to the electric semi-truck is going to make shipping and driving cleaner for everyone.