The popular CBS show Young Sheldon is coming to an end. Young Sheldon is based off the show The Big Bang Theory. It’s a show that basically centers around adult Sheldon’s life. Young Sheldon was created in 2017 and has continued with 7 seasons. Sadly this popular show will be coming to an end with the 7th and final season. The actors Montana Jordan who plays Georgie Cooper, Reagan Revord who plays Missy Cooper, and Iain Armitage who plays Sheldon Cooper, have grown so close together over the past 8 years that they see each other as actual siblings! So much happens during these 7 seasons, and it’s sad to know that their will not be any continuing seasons. While The Big Bang Theory spotlights Sheldon’s adult life, Young Sheldon spotlights his life as a 9 year old to a 14 year old. It captures his successfulness as a 9 year old being a freshmen in high school, graduating at 11 and starting college at 11 and receiving his PhD at 16! I would rate this show a 10/10!
Young Sheldon
Chaney Maupin, Media
April 17, 2024
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Chaney Maupin, Instagram
My name is Chaney Maupin, I am a Senior at Dyer County High School. I have a dog named Cully after the town I'm from and a cat named Muffin. I love being outdoors and taking in the fresh air! After high school, I plan on going to Arnold's Beauty School in Milan, TN!!