Which class REALLY be dressing?

Which class REALLY be dressing?

Brooke Wilson, Fine Arts Editor

This past Friday, September 13th, the student body participated in a spirit day! 

Seniors were ¨Thousand Island Dressing, wear island-inspired clothing¨, Juniors were ¨Ranch Dressing, wear ranch/cowboy inspired clothing¨, Sophomores were ¨Balsamic Vinaigrette, dress for success¨, and Freshmen were ¨House Dressing, wear orange, black, and white¨.

It was a very gratifying feeling to look across the commons and see the Choctaws showing their school spirit and participating in a dress-up day!

On Friday we took some observations and determined that, drum roll please, the Juniors were the most participating class! Almost every class you peeked into to you could see some plaid, cowboy hats, and some VERY big belt buckles. 

Juniors dressed in their Ranch Attire

On the opposing side of that spectrum is the class that showed the least school spirit, and that class is the Sophomores! There were so few it was hard to even get enough for a picture, cue sad violin music.

Sophomores dressed for Success

Between our most participating and least participating classes are our Seniors and Freshmen! We couldn´t really determine which class participated more. Take this as your encouragement to try to be the most participating class next spirit day!

Freshmen decked in their Orange, Black, and White
Seniors dressed in outfits fit for an Island Vacation

Our next spirit day is Friday, September 20th, and the theme is Storm Area 731! Wear your alien, space, or 731 gear. Get out there and show some school spirit, Choctaws!