A-Z Advice for Life- Kendall Mabry

Kendall Mabry, Mrs. Martinez's Creative Writing class

A. Ask for help 

B. Be respectful to others 

C. Care for others 

D. Don’t let others bring you down 

E. Everything is going to be okay

F. Find your group  

G. Get some help if needed 

H. Have a positive attitude 

I.  Its okay not to be okay 

J. Joking around is okay 

K. Kindness is key 

L. Letting go is okay 

M. Momma is always right 

N. Never compare yourself to others 

O. Open up to new ideas 

P. Pace yourself 

Q. Questions are okay 

R. Restarting is okay 

S. Stay positive 

T. Think before speaking 

U. Understand others 

V. View both sides of the story 

W. Write down your problems on a piece of paper 

X.  X-out negativity 

Y. You’re Not alone in this world 

Z. Zoning out is okay