The American Nightmare Series is a new documentary series based on the kidnapping of a young woman taken from her home while she and her husband were in a dead sleep. Denise Huskin was sleeping peacefully in bed with her husband, Aaron Quinn. Later that night things took a dark turn when a man broke into their house and covered Aaron and Denise’s eyes with swimming goggles that were blacked out with duck tape, the man tied Aaron to the bed and told him to “take this” and it was a liquid mixture of nyquil and other drugs to make him go to sleep unable to wake up. Right before Aaron falls asleep the man whispers to him, “This wasn’t meant for your wife it was meant for your ex-girlfriend.” This confused Aaron, as he woke up he was in a boxed-off area with a camera on him, and if he moved out of the squared-off area they said they would kill his wife.
Aaron contacted the police and told them every detail, but the police did not believe him at all and started to pin his wife’s disappearance on him saying he was responsible. Aaron was begging and pleading explaining how there wasn’t any way he could’ve done it himself. The police then began to say that Denise did this as a hoax for attention or money and it began to make national news everywhere. Denise wasn’t using this as a hoax because she was kidnapped in a cabin away from society against her will, the kidnapper did not kill her at the moment but instead acted as if they were “friends” or “in a relationship”. Denise didn’t want to act like they were together but she learned the kidnapping wasn’t for her and he said that he had to make sure she wouldn’t tell the police when she was taken back to her town.
Denise was dropped off at Huntington Beach where she found her way back to her house no one believed that she just appeared out of nowhere unharmed. Denise eventually went to the police and told them the truth about how he threatened her family if she went to the police and the police put no effort into believing her side of the story. Months to years go by until something is done about it when a criminal investigator officer raided Mathew Muller’s house to find goggles and other similarities relating to Denise’s case. When the officer picks up the goggles she finds a single blonde strand of hair and years later it is traced to Denise she finally gets some sort of justice but the police system and investigators fail her. As the case finally ends Denise and Aaron sue the police department and the officers involved in their case and win thousands of dollars out of it. I believe the police were biased through the whole process and didn’t believe Dinese just because it sounded crazy. Just because it sounded crazy doesn’t mean it wasn’t true.