What is “Friendsgiving” and why is it celebrated?

Lacie Coleman, Podcast, photography

 Thanksgiving is usually celebrated with family, everyone gathers with loved ones from near and far. But what about those without family? What about those who would like to celebrate with their friends? This is where a practice called “Friendsgiving” comes into play. Friendsgiving is a blend of friend and Thanksgiving, and it refers to a large meal eaten with friends either on or near Thanksgiving. 

     Friendsgiving has the same concept as thanksgiving except it is done with friends. Friendsgiving offers the chance to enjoy the best parts of Thanksgiving, including loving people, great food, and an enjoyable day, but with a group of friends instead of family. Friends bring food to a meeting place to eat together as a family, creating the same feeling as those celebrating the holiday with family. This tradition is for everyone, some can just celebrate Friendsgiving, while others can celebrate both. 

     Friends are just as important as family, and Friendsgiving is great for bonding with those close to you. While there is no certain origin, it’s very clear that Friendsgiving is for the better. I believe that friends often feel like family and that this gives everyone a chance to be together without anyone being left out.