Are Loaded Teas and Protein Shakes Actually Good For You?

Are Loaded Teas and Protein Shakes Actually Good For You?

Brittany Anderson, Writer, photographer

Loaded Teas have become a lot more popular and a lot more well-known around the US in the last 2 years. Their bright colors and benefits drew more and more people to want to try them. The multiple stimulants found in loaded tea can leave us feeling jittery, spiking our heart rate and blood pressure. They can also interfere with our sleep, leading to a cycle of energy highs and lows that leaves us feeling sluggish, craving carbs, and looking for additional caffeinated pick-me-ups. This is what can start the addiction and lead to people feeling like they need one every day or they won’t feel as efficient as they do when they have one. 

First of all, what even are loaded teas? Loaded teas are beverages that feature a variety of supplements with a range of claimed health benefits, from performance enhancement and mental clarity to a metabolism boost and hunger suppression. Loaded teas contain a few of the same ingredients energy drinks do. They both contain caffeine, guarana, ginseng, taurine, inositol, and niacin. However, in loaded teas, there may not be an exact measurement of how much of each is in each drink. The two ingredients, ginseng and guarana, both can induce the same negative effects as excess caffeine can. Some teas may also contain aloe which is for digestion and absorption. Loaded teas are also known for containing vitamins such as ones like B-3. Some say having toxic levels of these vitamins can cause skin flushing, increased heart rate, and nausea. Along with the vitamins, loaded teas are generally made with no sugar and they only contain around 24 calories. The teas have around 175-200 mg of caffeine. Many people think that loaded teas can help with weight loss, fat reduction, or metabolism-boosting but really they are mainly just a source of caffeine for energy and apply you with many vitamins you may need. Although, there is evidence caffeine can boost metabolism a bit, at least in the short term, making it popular for weight loss products. As a result, I think loaded teas are not bad to drink unless you drink them excessively and have way more than you are recommended to.

Now, what about protein shakes? Protein shakes are known for promoting muscle gain and improving performance and recovery. They also are supposed to prevent muscle loss and may even help increase muscle mass during weight loss. Consuming a higher-than-usual amount of protein in your diet may offer a couple of benefits.  For example, eating or drinking products that are high in protein could help you lower body fat, keep lean muscle, feel full and lose weight. Protein is an important nutrient for weight loss and getting enough protein may support a healthy metabolism, reduce your appetite, and help you lose body fat without losing muscle. So, protein shakes alone aren’t going to make you lose weight, but adding more protein into your diet can be a good way to do that.