Essential Thanksgiving Foods


Kaitie Lamb

When the clock strikes midnight on October 31st a majority of people kick into full Christmas mode. Stores start playing Christmas music, companies begin putting out Christmas gifts, and Hallmark begins playing their Christmas movies non stop.

Thanksgiving is often overlooked even though it provides many with good meals and precious family time. 

These are the top 5 dishes EVERYONE needs at their thanksgiving dinner this year. 

  • Ham

Most families will eat turkey, not because it is the best meat there is, but because it is a big bird that will feed many people. Ham should be the meat of choice simply for the fact that it is better.

  • Cranberry sauce

Some people may argue that cranberry sauce is a grandma’s food, but they’re wrong. Cranberry Sauce also provides health benefits lowering the risk of heart disease.

  • Deviled eggs 

Deviled eggs have always been one of the most searched recipes on Thanksgiving Eve. Just based on this pure fact alone everyone should make sure they have deviled eggs this year.

  • Dressing

Family dressing recipes are held dear to most families. Although ham and turkey are supposed to be the main course, dressing really takes the spotlight on Thanksgiving. 

  • Rolls 

Bread can make anyone feel better. No one can ever go wrong with bread.