A Good Girls Guide to Murder Is the first installment in the three-book mystery series written by Holly Jackson. The book is a suspenseful and thrilling murder mystery about Pip, a high school student, solving a murder in the midst of her senior Capstone project. The story captivates and leaves readers on the edge of their seats throughout the unexpected twists and turns that are strategically placed amid the book. I personally could not put the book down due to its well-written and thought-out plot that would simply enthrall anyone who reads it.
Not only is the book a murder mystery, but it also has an unexpected love story between the two main characters. This plot line adds another aspect of depth to the story and makes it more appealing to a broader audience of readers resulting in romance and mystery lovers alike being drawn to the variety that this book offers.
Overall A Good Girls Guide to Murder is a must-read for casual readers as well as book lovers due to its thrilling nature as well as its unpredictable ending. The book will send you on a rollercoaster of emotions but in the end, it all feels completed with a heartwarming final scene between Pip and her partner in crime.